Meet Elsie Morris: A Rehab Success Story
Throughout her life, Elsie Morris has dedicated herself to caring for others. With a strong medical background of her own, having worked as a nursing assistant in Jersey Shore Medical Center for 22 plus years, Elsie is knowingly more impressed with the quality of care she receives at Concord Healthcare. A woman of strong faith, she exudes a joyous outlook on life, and it was this fortitude of spirit that helped her through her recovery from a debilitating stroke that unfortunately left her very weak and receiving her nutrition through a feeding tube.
With the supportive guidance of our physical, occupational and speech therapy team, Elsie made steady progress over a period of a few months – successfully reaching her target rehab goals. The day her feeding tube was removed was one of celebration for her and her therapists, and she was extremely grateful to be able to return to a full oral diet. Elsie made tremendous strides in her mobility, and her ability to conduct the basic tasks that are essential to daily living vastly improved. Elsie especially enjoyed doing exercises on the omnicycle – an active-assisted rehabilitation system used to strengthen her upper and lower body.
Elsie’s favorite pastimes include crocheting, knitting and visiting others in the hospital to uplift their spirits.
“I came to Concord because I visited a fellow congregant here often and was so pleased with what I saw. The therapists really helped me come
a long way!”
– Elsie Morris, Resident at Concord Healthcare